Sunday 16 November 2014

Our new weight loss exercise method

This simple and gentle exercise fits in to your life at 15 minutes a day.
Sue introduced me to it in Summer 2014 as the routine Helen Mirrem used to stay in shape.
I've been using it daily to help stay in shape and it's really transformed my fitness and ability to burn off and keep off some weight - in the form of looking much fitter healthier and "trimmer".
Credits at the bottom of this post, and I believe it is the Royal Canadian Air Force who devised originally.

Enjoy as part of your daily routine - if you can spare 15 minutes a day.

Exercise 1 - Toe Touching
30 Seconds

Start: Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, arms over head. Bend forward to touch floor between feet. Do not try to keep knees straight.

Nice and easy pace. Count the number you do.
Count: Each return to starting position counts one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginning and after 30 seconds

Exercise 2 - Knee Raising
30 Seconds

Start: Stand erect, hands at sides, feet together. Raise left knee as high as possible, grasping knee and shin with hands. Pull leg towards body. Keep back straight throughout. Lower foot to floor. Repeat with right leg. Continue alternating legs - left then right.

Nice and easy pace. Count the number you do.
Count: Left and right knee raises count one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginning and after 30 seconds

Exercise 3 - Lateral Bending
30 Seconds

Start: Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, hands at sides. Keeping back straight, bend sidewards from waist to left. Slide left hand down leg as far as possible. Return to starting position and bend to right side. Continue by alternating to left than to right.

Nice and easy pace. Count the number you do.
Count: Bends to the Left and Right count as one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginning and after 30 seconds

Exercise 4 - Arm Circling
approx 28 Seconds

Start: Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, arms at sides. Make large circles with left arm. Do one quarter of total count with forward circles and one quarter with backward circles. Repeat with right arm.

7 forward circles per arm. 7 backward circles per arm.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 28 seconds

Exercise 5 - Partial Sit-ups
2 Minutes

Start: Lie on back, legs straight and together, arms at sides. Raise head and shoulders from floor until you can see your heals. Lower head to floor.

Count: Each partial sit-up counts as one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 2 minutes.

Exercise 6 - Chest and Leg Raising
2 Minutes

Start: Lie face down, arms along sides, hands under thighs, palms pressing against thighs. Raise head, shoulders, and left leg as high as possible from the floor. Keep leg straight. Lower to floor. Repeat raising head, shoulders, and right leg. Continue by alternating legs, left then right.

Count: Each chest and leg raise counts one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 2 minutes.

Exercise 7 - Side Leg Raising
2 x 30 Seconds

Start: Lie on side, legs straight, lower arm stretched over head along floor, top arm used for balance.

Each leg raise counts one. Do half number of counts raising left leg. After 30 seconds, roll to other side and do half number of counts raising right leg.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 30 seconds

Exercise 8 - Push-ups
1 Minute

Start: Lie face down, legs straight and together, hands directly under shoulders. Push body off the floor in any way possible, keeping hands and knees in contact with floor. Sit back on knees in contact with floor. Sit back on heels. Lower body to floor.

Count: Each return to starting position counts one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 60 seconds

Exercise 9 - Leg Lifting
1 Minute

Start: Lie on back, legs straight and together, arms at sides, palms down. Raise left leg until it is perpendicular to floor, or as close to this position as possible. Lower and repeat with right leg. Continue by alternating legs, left then right.

Count: Left plus right leg lifts count one.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 60 seconds

Exercise 10 - Run and Hop
3 Minutes

Start: Stand erect, feet together, arms at sides. Starting with left leg, run in place raising feet at least four inches from floor. (When running in place lift knees forward, do not merely kick heels backwards.) Count: Each time left foot touches floor counts one. After each fifty counts do 10 hops.

Hops: Hopping is done so both feet leave floor together. Try to hop at least four inches off floor each time.
Timer: use the built in timer below - bell will sound at beginnning and after 3 minutes.
Note: In all run-in-place exercises only running steps counted towards completing exercises repetitions.

Others will be added in later.

The original document this info came from.