Wednesday 11 May 2011

Losing Weight Diary - Day 6

So, just done my weigh in - it's been a few days and I've managed to keep to my new routine.
Mainly on account that my weight loss products are totally yummy.

Here's the stats:

Weight 95.9 KG  (15 Stone 1.4 lbs)   or 212.5 lbs

Thanks to the omron, I've now got some extra measurementes.
20.9% Fat
Visceral fat is 9%
BMI is 26.6


  1. Things I've noticed - my face looks thinner in the mirror. My pants seem to fit a little better. More comfortable. The accuracy of the new scales is giving me a favourable BMI.

  2. 0.5 KG in 5 days lost so far. Lets see what happens next week.
